Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Lesbian U-Haul 101

U-Haul lesbianism is certainly one of the more truthful stereotypes out there in the world of common knowledge. I know this from experience as a U-Haul sorta girl. I had my first in October of 2005 and after that ended (8 months) I had a few months of hit and miss, then another UH'er starting in November 2006 and ending on V day 2007. (Yes, I did break up with her on Valentines day. Eat me).

Now, I'm dating a marvelous lady named Sam. She's so normal and it knocks me on my ass. I'm a fucking mess in comparison. I'm sure of myself, I know what I can do and what I can't. But, to be honest I'm like the nightmare dater. I'm insecure with myself, and whether or not she "likes" me or what the fuck else you could possibly worry about. (Ok clearly I understand that she has to like me to want to date me, I know how insane I sound).

So, I have realized that I have no idea how to date.
Its mostly a waiting game yes? Where you just wait for something, anything, to happen?
You constantly wonder about yourself, what you're wearing, how you look... ?

I'm having a SATC type conumdrum. I really want to keep doing this, but its requiring daily doses of Gaba (stress relief vitamins akin to herbal Xanax) and a lot of pep talking myself on door steps, outside of movie theaters and in passenger seats. Part of me is feeling lazy but the rest of me (30/70) is so happy about all this effort. But I can't help but wonder if this is all "normal"? Where did I miss out on Dating 101?

So, I'm assuming many people out there are wondering how you don't date like this. And that is exactly what I'm going to explain right now. Its especially easy with two woman considering we know exactly what the other wants (there are types of lesbians and some want differing things, but for the most part we enjoy a little wild passion followed by months of angry silence and finally a break up). I know everyone has met someone and wanted to steal them away from the world, and just know them and live them, and that is what Lesbian U-Hauling is really about. Getting to know her, more thoroughly than she knows herself, as fast as possible.

This kinda thing results in a lot of really strong emotions. They come on quick and easy and they stay strong and shocking for a while and although, they do eventually piddle off, the woman are too attached to notice (or have already started to become one another).

As I type this I realize how unhealthy all of it sounds, and it really is no good, but it feels good and right and when you're coming from a posistion of being "wrong" all the time (aka, morally wrong, biologically wrong etc) something so intense seems like all the proof the world would need that it should be considered okay. There have to be straight couples who have done this, yes? I have a feeling that they would last a bit longer, although looking at the divorce rates these days, maybe I'm wrong.

I guess what I'm saying is, I don't know how to date this girl. I don't want to give U-Haul a call yet because I know I shouldn't, not because I don't want to be engulfed by her. So, how do I get in there (if you will) without being insane? There isn't a course listing for Dating 101, but there should be. Damn.

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